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The company isolab® GmbH was founded in 1999 by Dr. V. Ara, owner of the food analytical laboratory chelab Dr. V. Ara in Hemmingen near Hannover, Prof. Dr. H.-L. Schmidt, emeritus professor of General Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Technical University of Munich, and PD Dr. A. Roßmann. The company was headquartered in Hemmingen, with registration in the Hannover Commercial Register. The laboratory is located in Schweitenkirchen near Pfaffenhofen, right next to Hydroisotop GmbH.
The basis for this founding was Professor Schmidt's 30 years of experience in basic research and application of stable isotopes, including in food analysis, and a long-standing collaboration with the chemical laboratory chelab Dr. V. Ara, a well-known commercial laboratory specializing in fruit juice analysis.


In 2015, Dr. Roßmann took over the shares of Professor Schmidt and has been the managing director at the laboratory in Schweitenkirchen since then. In 2020, Dr. Roßmann also took over the majority of shares from Dr. Ara and acquired sole management of the company.

In April 2021, Hydroisotop GmbH became a shareholder of isolab GmbH, and Dr. Ara exited as a shareholder.
The company's goal is to continue research, development, and application work in the field of stable isotope analytics on a commercial basis, which was initiated at the Technical University of Munich. These activities are supervised by PD Dr. A. Roßmann.


Em. Univ.-Prof. Dr. H.-L. Schmidt held the Chair of General Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Technical University of Munich in Freising Weihenstephan for 25 years. There, he primarily conducted fundamental research on the causes and relationships of isotope discriminations in biological in vivo systems, leading to isotope patterns of natural substances. The results were published in more than 100 papers.

PD Dr. A. Roßmann obtained his doctorate and habilitation at the same chair, focusing on applied questions and method development in this field. For over 20 years, he has been leading the Laboratory for Stable Isotope Analysis isolab GmbH. Dr. Roßmann is a member of the GDCh-AG "Stable Isotope Analysis", the §64 Working Group "IRMS", and the CEN Working Group CEN/TC 460 "IRMS".

The German Accreditation Body GmbH confirms that isolab GmbH has the competence according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 (D-PL-19390-02-00).


  • Since 1965: Fundamental research in isotopic analysis
  • Since 1980: Application development and application
  • Participation in national and international projects on stable isotope analysis
  • Analyses for national and international authorities as well as industry associations



PD Dr. Andreas Roßmann 
Diploma in Agricultural Engineering, Origin Analysis, Evaluation, Laboratory Management, Elemental Analysis, and IRMS


Dr. Nicole Krivachy
State-certified Food Chemist, Evaluation, Quality Management, Data Processing, Equilibration-IRMS

Prof. Dr. Siegfried Nitz
Diploma in Chemistry, Oxygen Isotope Analysis with Equilibration, Measurement Technology


Stefanie Hermann
Dairy Laboratory Technician, Sample Preparation, Elemental Analysis, and IRMS, Quality Management

Monika Umschaden
Chemistry Laboratory Technician, Sample Preparation, Data Processing, Equilibration-IRMS

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