isolab® GmbH
Laboratorium für Stabilisotopenanalytik
Woelkestr. 9/I
D-85301 Schweitenkirchen
Phone: | +49 (8444) 918842 |
Fax: | +49 (8444) 918844 |
Email: | isolab_ |
How to reach us?
Leave the A9 (Munich-Nuremberg) at exit 66 (Pfaffenhofen a. d. Ilm) and keep left onto the main road (Staatsstrasse 2045). In the municipality of "Schweitenkirchen", turn right after the gas station into Doktor-Hans-Eisenmann-Straße and continue until you reach Woelkestraße. Turn right and you will find our laboratory on the left-hand side.
We wish you a pleasant journey!